Body Composition Testing
There are several methods used to determine body fat percentages, but Inbody DSMF-BIA stands out as the leader for convenience, accuracy and replication.
What does it measure?
• Body Fat
• Lean Body Mass
• Extracellular Water
• Intracellular Water
• Dry Lean Mass
• Basal Metabolic Rate
• Percent Body Fat
What is Body Composition Testing?
Body composition is used by health professionals to evaluate a person’s weight by breaking it down into its core components: fat, protein, minerals, and body water.
It describes your healthy weight more accurately and provides a better glimpse into your overall health than traditional methods like BMI & weight.
Body composition analysis can accurately show changes in fat mass, lean muscle mass, and body fat percentage.
Obesity Testing in America.
With the continued rise of obesity in America, an important tool in developing and monitoring a weight loss program is measuring your body composition.
Your body composition consists of total lean muscle mass, body fat and water.
By getting tested, following a workout regimen, and testing again, it’s easy to see progress in muscle gain and fat loss. The InBody Direct Segmental Multi-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (DSMF-BIA) technique uses 8 points of contact to pass a safe multifrequency current through the body. Water acts as a conductor allowing the current to pass through, while body fat impedes the flow of the current. Since water is typically stored in muscle tissue, the machine can accurately measure total water volume, extracellular water (water outside of cells), intracellular water (water inside cells), lean muscle mass and body fat. Each leg, arm and the trunk are measured separately allowing individuals, athletes and those in rehabilitative treatment to see imbalances in muscle mass between their right and left sides. The InBody DSMF-BIA creates exact measurements regardless of gender, age, disease or ethnicity.
- Affordable
- Quick & Convenient (Appointment takes less than 20 minutes!)
- Measures each leg, each arm and the trunk (chest and abdomen) separately:
— This allows individuals to see imbalances between their left and right sides - Direct calculation of both Extracellular and Intracellular water:
— Abnormal ratios of ECW and ICW could be an indicator of problems such as renal disease, hormone imbalances, edema or hypertension - Measures all fat in the body including dangerous visceral fat surrounding the organs