Local athletes use nutrition to maximize performance

The best investment for your child: Health.

Healthier children make better students and athletes. Athletes need to give their bodies food and nutrition needed to perform well. Being nutritionally healthy means you get the calories you need for the performance you require from your body, and the nutrients you need for proper growth and development.¹

Athletes Need Good Nutrition to Maximize Performance

If you want to reach peak performance in a competitive environment, you need to have a balanced, healthy diet every day. And yes, this includes breakfast. In order to maintain or improve strength, speed and stamina, athletes need an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat, according to ESPN.² Easily digestible foods help you play better and not feel sluggish. You need enough calories and the right nutrients to fuel your body for your best performance.

Consequences of Bad Nutrition

In addition to poor performance on the field and in the classroom, unhealthy eating habits can have more serious physical consequences. Unhealthy eating can lead to obesity. Having a diet that lacks variety can also lead to diabetes, intestinal problems and heart disease. Diabetes is the fastest-growing disease in children and obesity is a high risk factor for diabetes, cancer, heart disease and premature death.

Unfortunately, children today are being bombarded like never before with exposure to low quality food, chemicals in the food, genetically modified food, chemicals all around, and electromagnetic exposure from multiple electronic gadgets. More than one in four insured children in the United States and nearly 30 percent of adolescents aged 10 to 19 took at least one prescription medicine to treat a chronic condition in 2009, according to an analysis of pediatric medication use conducted as part of Medco’s drug trend study.³

How Can We Help?

Today’s technology allows us to test for things today that we never could have tested for a few years ago. Now we can find heavy metal toxins and chemicals in our foods and environment, and take steps to reduce or eliminate the exposure and upgrade the quality of our foods, water, air and environment.

Give your children or grandchildren every opportunity to be as healthy as possible to give them the best advantage on the field. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of the right nutrients to make a big difference. See sample report of what we can provide the athlete in your family.

The oldest people living today grew up without fast food and had limited access to healthcare, not to mention rarely took prescription medications. That environment doesn’t exist anymore. In fact, we are being exposed to chemicals and toxins that we are not aware of and these are having insidious chronic effects on our health and our children’s health.

Proper testing will provide the needed information with a comprehensive blood and hair test. In fact, many conditions will show up in the blood, long before symptoms occur.

¹University of Mississippi: http://www.nfsmi.org/documentlibraryfiles/PDF/20080610094112.pdf

²ESPN: http://espn.go.com/trainingroom/s/2000/0324/444124.html

³Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64I5N420100519